
Wishing you.....

A vErY mErRy ChRiStMaS!!

2008 was a great year for us and we now welcome 2009! We have been very blessed this year and can't wait for the new year. Some of the highlights of this year:
Brandon and I took a trip to the Bahamas and stayed at the amazing Atlantis Resort.
Our very first trip to Disney World!
Kambree started Preschool!! (Double exclamation points)
Ryder started the first grade!!! (Triple exclamation points)
LOTS of fun camping trips with lots of great people!
Spending time with friends and family.

We hope all of you have a safe and happy Holiday!!

Brandon, Tiffany, Ryder & Kambree

Hopefully next year Christmas won't sneak up on me too fast and I will send out my Christmas Cards!



Kam: "Mom, come look at the bed I made for me and my friend kitty."

Mom: "Pretty sweet bed!"

Kam: "Kitty's mom died and is in heaven, but I bought her a new one!"

Mom: "Hmmmmmm........."

And I won't even begin to tell you what she said when I asked why her friend's mom was in heaven.

AND....to make it clear....I'm not sure who kitty is. She may have renamed an existing doll she has or she may have an imaginary friend.




Kam is apparently asking Santa for a hot tub for Christmas. Ryder can't wait for Christmas Break so he can watch cartoons in the morning. Kam humors me in the car when she tells me: "MOM, I see dead people out my window" (cemeteries). I ran my first 5K over the weekend and did suprisingly AWESOME! We had a "Christmas" party at my house this weekend and would prefer to never talk about it again as long as I shall live. I got my toes painted this morning. My niece goes to Primary Children's tomorrow morning for brain surgery (keep your fingers crossed...or PRAY...do whichever floats your boat). I can't wait to play in the snow with the kids after school. I gave B my Christmas list today...(AND it would be greatly appreciated if while you are praying or crossing your fingers for Isabel's surgery to go smoothly...you don't leave out gift #6 on my Christmas list which is OBVIOUSLY an engamgement ring!!!!!)



My 6 year old niece got a blog of her very own!! She goes in next week for brain surgery and my sister decided to start a blog so friends and family could see how she was doing. It's been such an emotional journey for my sister (and everyone else) so far...I hope everything goes well!!! You can view her blog here!