
Fashion Statement......

I let Kam out of the house like this yesterday:

That's ok. Right?


This is Us! said...

It sure is, as long as you aren't with her for people to think you are a CRAZY mom!

The Byron Family said...

oh sad, i did that once, but with sandals. My niece had been playing with my shoes and I just slipped them on while quickly going out the door...they were obviously pretty similar cause i didnt even think twice about it. I went ALL day with two different shoes....That's ok right? hahaha

Tiffany said...

Bree-yes I was with her. I think we went to the grocery store....HAHAHA
Becca-that's funny. I have never done the two different shoes thing, but I am a REPEAT OFFENDER of leaving the house and hours later realizing I am still in my slippers! :)

Kris said...

Oh I love her hair. That is so cute. If I let Hanny dress herself, she would probably wear underwear outside of her pants or be completely naked at all times. She has worn different shoes before and I let her because I was sick of fighting with her about it, so yes It is okay.