

Allright, I finished Breaking Dawn a couple of days ago. Despite all the negative reviews I heard, I liked it. I didn't love it as much as the first 3, but it could be due to the fact that I am pissed this is the last book of the series. I think there is still SO much that could be told. And, I must be honest...there were a couple of things in this last book that kinda freaked me out....

Imprinting. Especially on these young children...kinda grosses me out!
The baby in Bella's stomach that was beating the hell out of her...seemed weird to me.
Did I mention imprinting?


Kris said...

Tiff I felt the same way about the imprinting, it was freaky weird. I don't know about that. Having the baby beat you to death inside you is also something that I wasn't digging to much and the name she gave the baby. What the crap was that. But all in all it was pretty good, I still like Eclipse the best though.

The Halls said...

I finished the book last night. I also liked the other books better. I thought this one was good, but I could put it down, unlike the other ones. I am sad it's the last one.