

This morning, the conversation between Ryder and I went like this:

Ry: Mom, since it's my birthday I want pancakes for breakfast, lunch with Grandma Glenda at her school and Domino's for dinner.
Me: Ok, that's fine. Why don't you go get in the bathtub while I cook your pancakes.
Ry: I don't want to take a bath. I'm not dirty.
Me: Umm, yeah you are. Come on, I'll make you a bubble bath.
Ry: Ok, but do you think that since it's my birthday, you could feed me my pancakes while I take a bath.
Me: Umm, yeah, sure.


This is Us! said...

So I am curious, did you really feed him pancakes in the bath?

Tiffany said...

Of course I did! Come on, it was his birthday...

This is Us! said...

You are too nice. I guess that would make it so you don't have a mess two places.

nicky said...

This is my favorite story of all time! Will you come and feed me while I take a bubble bath on my birthday?

nicky said...

This is my favorite story of all time! Will you come and feed me while I take a bubble bath on my birthday?

Tiffany said...

Yes, I would love to! When's your birthday?