

I had to take Ry into the dentist yesterday because he had FOUR, yes count them 1.2.3.four cavities. But, he was SO awesome at the dentist's office. He didn't even flinch when he got the shots or care when they filled his cavities. In fact, he was getting pretty annoyed at the nurse because he was trying to play Tony Hawk on the Play Station (they had the TV's on the ceiling) and she kept talking to him! In fact, he did so well that Kambree said "I want some cavities too!" And I'm a bad mom, but I kept making him smile because I think he looked SO funny!!!!!

But, next it was my turn. Now the drama starts. I had a dentist appointment this morning at 8AM and it went a little like this:

Nervous as crap waiting in the seat for the dentist to come in (hoping he wouldn't show up and I could leave! :)

Shot in the mouth that I had a bad reaction too. My body goes limp, my hands are shaking, I feel totally weird and my heart is POUNDING out of my chest. The dentist says it has to do with something in the shot.

Recover in chair from near death experience.

Lay me back down and give me another shot. (This one goes well)

Let me sit there for 15 minutes while they wait for me to go numb.

Dr. comes back in...I am still not numb...so I get ANOTHER shot!

Let me sit there for ANOTHER 15 minutes while they wait for my mouth to go numb.

Dr. comes back in...I am still not freaking numb...SO I get ANOTHER FREAKING SHOT!!

Sit there for another 15 minutes.

When the doc comes back I am FINALLY numb, but I can't keep my mouth open so they insert a little device in between my teeth to keep my mouth open.

My mouth stayed open for a good 1.5 HOURS...talk about sore jaw.

Come home and wait 5 freaking hours for my mouth (let me rephrase that...my cheek, chin, tongue, teeth, gums, ear, temple, etc. etc.) to start to un-numb!!

Finally after 6.5 hours, the numbness is gone, but my mouth is SO sore and I think it is from the shots...not the fillings.

Guess I'm gonna start flossing...


thetaylors said...

That picture of Ryder is the best!!!

Anonymous said...

I so need to go to the dentist!! Not my favorite place either...but holy moley....how many shots!!!

This is Us! said...

You know you can blame your kids for your cavitities right? And since Kam likes to be beatin' then you can beat her for it. I never had a cavitie in an adult tooth until I had Dagen. So I blame my kids.