

Read the post below before you read this...so you understand!!

I am getting read to leave for the dentist.

Ryder: Mom, are you scared to go to the dentist.
Me: Yes, I am.
Ryder: (laughing) But mom, you're big and I'm little and I wasn't even scared to go to the dentist yesterday!

Thanks for the encouragement dude!!!

I come into my bathroom and can smell rubbing alcohol and I notice that Brandon's bottle of pre-shave stuff for his face is empty on the bathroom floor.

Me: Kambree, what did you do?
Kam: I put that all over the rug to clean it.
Me: Your dad is going to beat you when he gets home and sees this. (This is the 2nd bottle in the last month she has done this to.)
Kam: I like it when he beats me!

Sweet, at least we know she likes it!! :)


Kris said...

I feel like I haven't posted on your blog forever. Sorry. I also hate the dentist. I always have the worst experiences. I feel for you. Also, Happy Birthday Kambree!

Anonymous said...

Kam is a funny girl!!! It was probably some expensive shave stuff too, huh? Uh Oh!